Choosing Treatment
A message from our CEO

As a recovered alcoholic who has worked with treatment providers for over two decades, it has been my experience that some of the best facilities available will either support or follow a Twelve Step model for recovery. Many of these programs are holistic in nature.
The professionals at these centers treat the entire person, body, mind and spirit.
In my experience, treatment centers that encourage prayer, meditation and a conscience contact with a power greater than ourselves appear to have the highest success rates for those who have been diagnosed as narcotic addicts, alcoholics and those living with co-occurring mental health challenges.

If you are choosing a treatment center that utilizes medicated assisted recovery (MAT) please be informed of their aftercare plan and what it entails.
Take 12 Recovery Radio recommends that when looking into treatment that one considers programs that implement spiritual principles as well as medical.

As a member of the recovery community who has seen the harm done by treatment facilities that are not properly educated and licensed to treat addiction, I implore anyone seeking short- or long-term treatment to do their homework. Do not choose a treatment facility hastily or while in a state of panic.

Monty Dale Meyer
CEO KHLT Recovery Broadcasting/Take 12 Recovery Radio

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